Video below is the finished infused butter whipped into another cup of butter!
Yields about 1 cup ghee or 2 cups infused butter
· 3.5g cannabis, coarsely ground*
· 1 cup unsalted butter, cubed/sliced
· 1 cup warm water
· 1 cup unsalted butter, softened (you will need this later to incorporate your infused ghee into once it is solidified)
1. Add coarsely ground cannabis to infusion pod, “activate” or decarboxylate using presets on Levo C.
2. After activation process, add 1 cup warm water to Levo, followed by the 1 cup of butter.
3. Infuse! I infused mine for 90 minutes at 200 degrees F.
4. Once butter has infused, squeeze remaining butter from plant material into a heat proof bowl. Pour infused butter mixture into the bowl and chill until solidified.
5. Once solidified, remove butter from bowl, discard water.
6. You can use this butter (ghee) as is for recipes or soften and combine with another cup of softened butter to reduce dose per tablespoon and add some butter texture back into it.
*If infusing with 3.5g cannabis flower at 27% THC it will be approximately 60mg THC per tablespoon of butter.
If you add your infused ghee to another cup of non-infused butter it will then equal approximately 30mg THC per tablespoon of butter or approximately 10mg THC per teaspoon of butter.
Video above is a slow-motion video toward the end of the infusion process!