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Sweet Terpenes Professional Disclosure Statement and Agreement

cannabis leaf

Professional Disclosure Statement and Agreement


General Release:

This website, is the intellectual property of Heather Marie Stanley, AKA Sweet Terpenes. Any information on this website reflects personal perspective and experiences of/with cannabis and terpenes through self-exploration and cannabis based educational certificate of completion programs and does not reflect the opinion of the educational programs or any affiliations, partnerships, or employers. Please reach out to me directly if you would like permission to use any of my content or discuss a contract for recipe development or other project.



Legal Disclaimer:


For the purpose of establishing clarification of the term ‘client’ throughout this document, ‘client’ refers to anyone with paid or pro bono services provided by Heather Marie Stanley or Sweet Terpenes under any circumstance of providing information or educational remarks around cannabis or terpenes to any client. This includes even during conversation, Zoom, phone call or email between Heather Marie Stanley (Sweet Terpenes) and any individual. By agreeing to services or by intentionally provoking a conversation along any means of communication in regard to terpenes, cannabis, health, & wellness or legalities, you are in agreement that Heather Marie Stanley or Sweet Terpenes holds no responsibilities of outcomes in your health, or legal matters.


The information presented on this website is purely intended for educational and informational purposes only. Nurses, medical professionals, caregivers and/or patients/consumers who take information from and implement it into practice are solely responsible for the care they provide, or outcomes achieved. Heather Marie Stanley or trade name Sweet Terpenes is not responsible for any outcome as a result of the information obtained from this website. All education is provided in good faith and believed to be 100% accurate by author. By using the information from this website, you are releasing Heather Marie Stanley and Sweet Terpenes from any liability whatsoever, and waive any and all-cause of action, related to claims, cost, injuries, losses, or damages of any kind arising out of connection with the information obtained from this site. Heather Marie Stanley AKA Sweet Terpenes is not an attorney and is therefore not providing any legal advice during consulting or other services or interactions.


This website is intended for persons 21 or older, as some content may involve aspects of health and wellness around cannabis which may be better understood from an adult’s cognitive perspective for educational/informational purposes. If you are less than 21, please do not use this website as a source of information without having a parent or guardian present. Heather Marie Stanley AKA Sweet Terpenes cannot be held responsible for misuse of this site by persons under the age of 21, or anyone who chooses to use this site as an informational or educational source.



Medical Disclaimer:


The information presented on this website is purely intended for educational and informational purposes and should NOT be considered medical advice. I am NOT a medical professional, I, Heather Marie Stanley (Sweet Terpenes) am not legally or ethically responsible for you, your health, or any possible negative event which may occur while using information from this site. Please consult your Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician’s Assistant if you have any medical condition or concern, or if you plan on making major lifestyle modifications while implementing a medicinal cannabis regimen. Many people who are already on medications for blood pressure, diabetes, etc. will absolutely need to consult their Providers before initiating new cannabis use.

All information and opinions on this website are believed to be completely accurate by the author at the time of authorship. When possible and deemed worthy, references will be listed as evidence-based support for various stances on health and wellness.



HIPPA Policy and Non-Disclosure:


Although Heather Marie Stanley or Sweet Terpenes is not legally bound by HIPPA Policy, we do adhere to measures that include non-disclosure to ensure your privacy. Sometimes information pertaining to one’s health information is obtained or discussed between paid contract client and Heather Marie Stanley (Sweet Terpenes) which will not be disclosed to anyone (individual, organization, or business) without client’s written, signed permission. will operate under HIPPA regulations to the best ability, therefore any disclosure of client’s information to another party will require a Release of Information be signed by client. This Release of Information can be provided to you via email by emailing , Subject: “Release of Information”. We do not keep client information records and any information provided by client during service will not be kept on file after. If any information provided need be kept for providing best services. Any information will be destroyed after a 30-day period has passed from this service agreement date, unless actively working with client. Another Professional Disclosure Statement and Agreement shall be signed after 90-days of continued service, replacing the previous document. does not sell any information you provide, nor do we use the information provided outside of the necessities to client’s services.

Heather Marie Stanley, Sweet Terpenes and client, as well as any affiliations or employees or client’s business will be bound by an indefinite Non-Disclosure Agreement when this document is signed. This pertains to any information pertaining to proprietary or business-oriented discussion on either party’s behalf. Any exchange of information is subject to the Non-Disclosure Agreement entered by signing this document or acknowledging services, rather document was signed and presented or not, as it is included on as public information, as well as, in my email signature. It is drafted with intent to be in all party’s best interests.



Affiliate, Partnership, Employer Disclaimer:


Certain links on this website which lead you to buy a product may provide an affiliate commission to the owner of this site, Heather Marie Stanley (Sweet Terpenes) with a successful purchase. Please understand that the recommendations from Heather Marie Stanley (Sweet Terpenes) are in NO way influenced by the affiliate relationship. Real, honest, and accurate opinions and recommendations based off my own experience and education will be made, and poor, unsatisfactory products or services will not be provided through



FDA Disclaimer:


The services provided by are not intended for use by or sale to persons under the age of 21. All paid services will require client to acknowledge and sign a Professional Disclosure Statement and Agreement (this document).


All products available on have been made by Heather Marie Stanley. None of the products nor any statements made on product labels, promotions or disclaimers have been evaluated by the FDA. All products are intended to be purchased by adults, 21 or older. Products should be used only as directed on the label. No product offered is intended to cure, treat or diagnose any disease or illness. No products offered on this site contain cannabis.


Terpene Rich products containing any labeling in reference to effects such as “Calm”, “Recovery”, etc. contains this language to provide insight into the essential oil products used (terpenes) and do not necessarily reflect the effect each individual may feel nor does it insinuate that any effects will be felt.


The Photography and Painting Canvas Wrap Prints have been painted or photographed by Heather Marie Stanley and are printed via a third-party printer and are subject to printer demands and availability.



Shipping and Handling Policies:


Shipping is not included in any listed pricing on, unless otherwise stated. Some products may only be available for shipping in the USA. Once you have placed and order, you can expect a 3 day to 14-day processing time, dependent on product purchase, amounts purchased and overall demand. The processing time does not include shipping time which will vary with order, location shipping time requested (paid by client/customer) and shipping services used.



Purchases and Return Policies:


All products and services purchased must be paid prior to product processing and/or shipping. All services must be paid in full at the time of booking or within a 24-hour period there of to avoid cancelation. For services booked and paid there is a 24-hour cancellation policy for full refund. If booked appointment is not cancelled at least 24-hours before scheduled appointment a full refund cannot be issued; only a partial refund can be issued if you miss our scheduled appointment without any notice. All products and services are subject to availability and demand of Sweet Terpenes. All shoppe products have a 14-day return policy for refund, except photography or painting gallery wrapped canvas prints. The Gallery Wrapped Canvas Prints are provided and shipped through a third-party vendor and are NON-Refundable after payment is made due to order already being place and confirmed with third-party vendor in a short time frame after you place your order.


Home Kitchen/Workspace Disclaimer:


Heather Marie Stanley operates and produces the Terpene Rich Bath and Body products, Terpene Rich Seasonings, Terpene Rich Sprinkles, all other clothing, art and/or food products in her home kitchen and workspace under the Oregon Cottage Law Act. Photography and Painting Prints are captured or painted by Heather Marie Stanley and then are produced and shipped through a third-party company.


Due to Covid 19 and the workspace setting, all measures are taken to provide products with the upmost care and consideration taken around Covid 19. Any food products sold are handled and produced in a regularly sanitized kitchen, while wearing gloves, hairnet, and face mask.  


No client services are provided in Heather Marie Stanley’s home.



*Please note the language in this contract states that even without a signed agreement, Heather Marie Stanley nor Sweet Terpenes can be held accountable for any health or legal matters through any information provided by or directly by Heather Marie Stanley.

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Linked Ad: Moutain Rose Herbs Organic Herbs and Spices Find Them Here Contact:
Heather Marie Stanley, Owner

Heather has Certificates of Completion in Professional Interpening, Cannabis Consultant Training, Extractions and Concentrates Fundamentals, Cannabis Product and Sales Training, and Cannabis for All from 


Certificates of completion in Cannabis Fundamentals, Medical Applications of Cannabis, Cannabis Cultivation from

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